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- AI Builder 3
- Azure 10
- Canvas Power Apps 4
- Custom Pages 5
- Customer Insights - Journeys 4
- Customer Voice 6
- Dataverse 25
- Dynamics 365 39
- Dynamics 365 Marketing 88
- Dynamics 365 Portals 11
- Dynamics 365 for Outlook 3
- JavaScript 9
- Marketing (Non Dynamics 365) 7
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- Model-driven Power Apps 38
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- PCF & Custom Controls 14
- Power Automate 75
- Power BI 3
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- SharePoint 4

Filtering on Lookups in Triggers, Journey Branches and Email Content in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys
How to filter in Journey triggers, branches and email content with Lookup column values, rather than filtering on the name of the lookup and feverishly hoping someone doesn’t change the name, or that you spell it wrong.

Lead and Contact form Insights tab in Customer Insights - Journeys (without editing Form XML)
The Insights tab for Leads & Contacts in Customer Insights - Journeys shows marketing interaction data (email opens/clicks, form visits/fills etc.) for both real time and outbound marketing on the Contact or Lead form. You can now add this to custom forms using a drag and drop form component in the Power Apps maker studio form designer. Yay!

List, Filter and Delete Flows in Power Automate
A simple little flow that can be used to list and filter flows, to do whatever you wish, and in the example of the dreaded CXP_ gremlin spawning I need to delete them.
Why would you need to delete so many flows?
When you create a Customer Insights - Journeys ‘Journey’ it creates multiple power automate flows in the background with the prefix CXP_. Each journey can have 5+ flows running behind the scenes, each time you edit the journey it creates even more. Once the journey is complete or stopped, the flows are automatically turned off and left to fester in the default solution forevermore. Deleting these flows does not result in any loss of analytics or data. Once their job of automation is complete, they are obsolete.

Manage Email Bounces on Lead or Contact Views & Forms in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys
How can we manage email bounces in Customer Insights - Joruneys? How about a last bounce date and reason on each Lead/Contact with email delivery issues? Oh and a way to track if remedial email address update action has been taken or not since the last bounce. Sure!
A simple two step Power Automate flow, some new fields and a classic workflow will get you up and running in no time. But it means no more excuses on poor delivery rates!

Time Zone Labels in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys Events
There is a magical The ‘Event time zone’ field in Dynamics 365 which is used for Events in Customer Insights - Journeys. Technically speaking in the background it all works great, the time is correctly converted to UTC and shows as expected for calendar invite timings etc BUT the actual name of the GMT offset time zone e.g. ’(GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney’ is hellishly wordy and it’s only correct for half the year in any region that uses daylight savings… doh!
Why do I care?
When you include this in your email to show the event time zone of the event, it doesn’t look too smart! This post will show you how to create a simple Power Automate flow to generate a correct and neater time zone label for all your events that can be used in event communications, with style.

Make Forms in Customer Insights Journeys a little bit more beautiful
A little collection of tips and HTML/CSS tweaks you can easily do on a Form in Customer Insights Journeys to make it look a little bit more dapper and professional. It’s all easy CopyPasta™ so no coding knowledge is required! Including:
How to view the latest version of the form instantly.
Using the themes and why they sometimes don’t seem to work
Navigating & Searching in the Form HTML
Update the web page tab name
Customise the post form submit image
Change checkbox and radio button colours
Wrangle the field & label spacing
Make fields read-only
Update the Favicon on the ‘Preference center’ of Compliance Profiles
Add tooltips
Customise the ‘Please match the format requested’ description to explain the requested format

Add the Company Name Lookup to a Marketing Forms in Customer Insights Journeys
How to add the ‘Company Name’ lookup on to a contact based Realtime Marketing Form in Customer Insights - Journeys featuring a handy little CopyPasta™ HTML snippet. Because the closest thing you can find in the field search is accountidname and accountidyominame or parentcustomeridname and parentcustomeridtominame.

Retrieve Member Data from Customer Insights - Journeys Segments in Power Automate
Technical Summary: How to query Dataverse with an array of GUIDs!
Summary with Customer Insights - Journeys context: How to turn a list of GUIDs from a Customer Insights - Journeys segment into actual data from the contact/lead, which can then be used in lots of other useful ways such as building a beautiful custom page to browse and search segment members or exporting segment members.

Browse and Search Segment Membership in Customer Insights - Journeys
A really cool custom page to browse and search segments in Customer Insights - Journeys real-time marketing!
This post will show you how to build the essential pieces to retrieve the segment member details into a custom page in Dynamics 365, and also how to create the browse and search experience.

Trigger a Power Automate Flow from a Custom Button in Dynamics 365 or Dataverse
There are few solutions out there already for triggering a Power Automate flow from a custom buttons/commands, each has its pros/cons but none of them are great. I think I found a nicer way. This method uses a custom page that opens as a modal when a command button is selected from a row in Dynamics 365 or Dataverse. The custom page ‘OnStart’ property triggers the flow and responds to the user when complete.
BONUS: you can build a really nice UX that handles errors and conditional logic for the flows functionality which is so much better than hiding command buttons with no explanation or reason!

View merged Lead, Contact or Account details in Dynamics 365
The merge functionality for Leads, Contacts and Accounts in Dynamics 365 and Dataverse has been around for a while, but there isn’t great visibility of when a row was merged into, and what happened during the merge.
This post shows you how to add a note in the timeline to show when a row has been merged into, and also what data has been updated from the deactivated row.

Dataverse Choice & Choices Conversion in Power Automate
How to create a very helpful child flow that will help you convert Choice or Choices column values from Label to Value and also Value to Label for any table or column in Dataverse. You can call this child flow form any other flow you are building when a choice or Choices conversion is required.

Segments in Customer Insights - Journeys: Consent, Purposes and Topics
A quick tip on how to create real-time segments in Customer Insights - Journeys based on marketing consent Opt In or Opt Out for a Contact or Lead.

Force Rollup Column Calculation in Power Automate
Rollup columns in Dataverse are a great way to aggregate data across a hierarchy of data such as totals, averages, maximum and minimum, but they come with some limitations too. Sometimes you need to force this recalculation on demand. Now you can do it with Power Automate!

Segments in Customer Insights - Journeys: Add columns to the member grid view
A quick tip on how to add extra columns into the ‘Members and Insights’ grid view for real-time segments in Customer Insights - Journeys. The columns that show in this view can be controlled by the columns used in your segment query.

Add the Communication Preferences tab for Customer Insights - Journeys to Lead Forms
Contact point consent is used to manage consent in Customer Insights - Journeys. This post shows you how to add the ‘Communication’ tab onto a custom Lead form, so that you can manage topics and consent from any Lead form in your system across all Compliance Profiles.

Segments in Customer Insights - Journeys: Quotes & Products
How to build real-time marketing segments using Quotes and Quote Products which are great for sending targeted promotional content to potential customer who expressed an interest in a particular product.
Includes step by step instructions to create the segment ‘All Contacts who have an Active or Lost quote for a specific product’

List Segment Members from Customer Insights - Journeys in Power Automate
You can create seriously impressive and complex data queries for Leads or Contacts using the new ‘real-time marketing’ segment builder for in Dynamics 365 Marketing (Customer Insights - Journeys). Then use the segment data to provide you with the data set of Contacts or Leads you want to automate with in Power Automate!
For example: the interaction data for email delivery is super valuable in helping to clean up your data. A hard bounced email is a clear indicator for an invalid email address. You can identify Contacts or Leads to unsubscribe, deleted or modify to protect the sender reputation of your domain and give marketers a clearer view on conversion rates.

Segments in Customer Insights - Journeys: Nested Conditions
How to build real-time marketing segments using with nested conditions which use a combination of AND and OR.
By creating the groups and subgroups (but avoiding sub-subgroups) first, then adding attributes/filters after using the Group numbers to make the attribute to land in the right place.

Segments in Customer Insights - Journeys: Activities (Email, Appointment, Phone Call etc.)
How to build real-time marketing segments using Dataverse activities such as Emails, Appointments, Tasks and Phone Calls which are great for using as exclusion segments in nurture journeys and promotional communications.
Why? If the customer (or potential customer) has already reached out and is already having direct personalised communications with a member of the business this kind of content usually comes across as desperate, oblivious and pushy - which is not a great brand reputation to aim for!
Includes step by step instruction to create the segments ‘All leads who have an appointment scheduled in the next 7 days’ and ‘All contacts who have been involved with (To/From/CC/BCC) an email in the last 30 days’.