Looking for something in particular?
- AI Builder 3
- Azure 10
- Canvas Power Apps 4
- Custom Pages 5
- Customer Insights - Journeys 4
- Customer Voice 6
- Dataverse 25
- Dynamics 365 39
- Dynamics 365 Marketing 88
- Dynamics 365 Portals 11
- Dynamics 365 for Outlook 3
- JavaScript 9
- Marketing (Non Dynamics 365) 7
- Micro Enterprise Financials 2
- Microsoft Excel 2
- Microsoft Forms 2
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2
- Microsoft Teams 2
- Model-driven Power Apps 38
- Office 365 3
- OneDrive 1
- Outlook 2
- PCF & Custom Controls 14
- Power Automate 75
- Power BI 3
- Power Platform 5
- SharePoint 4

Icons, Logos & Diagrams of the Power Platform
Updated diagrams and new solution architecture designs using the beautiful new ‘face lifted’ icons for Power Platform and Dynamics 365. Links to download the icons yourself from Microsoft Docs. Oh and a sneaky appearance from Mr Clippy too!

VIDEO: Virtual Quizzes (#PPPQ) and Community Engagement with Power Platform
The story so far on how the virtual Power Platform Pub Quiz initiative #PPPQ is leveraging the power of the platform to run live virtual quiz events featuring trivia questions across the power platform stack. t’s a true showcase of how the Microsoft Community & Power Platform come together to help us learn, engage and connect with each other despite being physically apart.

Microsoft Business Applications and Power Platform - Powered by Azure
They say a picture tells a thousand words and I’ve had enough of waving my hands around trying to explain what the power platform is and how it fits into the Microsoft ecosystem. So I made my own diagram - I hope you will find this as useful as I have!