Lead and Contact form Insights tab in Customer Insights - Journeys (without editing Form XML)
The ‘Insights’ tab for Leads & Contacts in Customer Insights - Journeys shows marketing interaction data (email opens/clicks, form visits/fills etc.) for both real time and outbound marketing on the Contact or Lead form. But if you are not using the out of the box forms they will not be available on the form. The good news is it can be added to your custom forms, previously the only way was to edit the form xml but it is now possible using the Power Apps maker studio form designer. Yay!
I hope your insights are a bit more exciting than this! More info about the insights tab for Customer Insights - Journeys can be found here.
Open the form in the Power Apps maker studio form designer
Obviously we are all well behaved and use solutions in development environments so that goes without saying 😉 the instructions are pretty much the same for Contact and Lead with a small variation in steps 9-11 so go ahead and open the Lead or Contact form in the form editor.
1) Add or select an empty 1-column tab (1)
2) Select the first section of the tab.
3) Open the components menu
4) Under ‘More components’ look for the control ‘TabbableInsightsControl’
5) If you cannot find it, select ‘Got more components’. If you find it, skip to (8).
6) Search for the control ‘TabbableInsightsControl’
7) Select ‘Add’ so that it shows up in the ‘More components’ section
8) Drag & drop the ‘TabbableInsightsControl’ component into an empty new section on a single-column tab
9) Update the CC_configuration
- Type: Text
- Static value: LeadInsights / ContactInsights
10) Update the CC_parentContactId Table Column: Parent Contact for lead (Lead + OBM Only)
11) Update the CC_parentAccountId Table Column: Parent Account for lead (Lead + OBM Only)
12) Select ‘Done’
13) Select the section where you added the TabbableInsightsControl and tick the box next to ‘Hide label’
14) Select the tab where you added the TabbableInsightsControl and tick the box next to ‘Expand first component to full tab’
Save & Publish the form. Open your Lead/Contact on the form you updated. Maybe refresh a million times and enjoy your insights without XML editing related traumas!