View merged Lead, Contact or Account details in Dynamics 365

View merged Lead, Contact or Account details in Dynamics 365

The merge functionality for Leads, Contacts and Accounts in Dynamics 365 and Dataverse has been around for a while, but there isn’t great visibility of when a row was merged into, and what happened during the merge.

This post shows you how to add a note in the timeline to show when a row has been merged into, and also what data has been updated from the deactivated row.

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Automate Timeline Posts in Dataverse Model-driven Apps for important events

Automate Timeline Posts in Dataverse Model-driven Apps for important events

Within Dataverse is there a way to have automatic posts to the timeline for events such as entry and exit of business process stages, change in ownership of the record, etc.?“ - of course!

How to automate useful auto posts into the timeline using Power Automate so you can get stuff done - quicker. The Dataverse timeline isn't just for activities in Model-driven Power Apps.

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Make the Activity Timeline Control Useful in Model-Driven Power Apps

Make the Activity Timeline Control Useful in Model-Driven Power Apps

The Activity Timeline you see in Model-driven Power Apps & Dynamics 365 is actually a huge awesome PCF control called ‘Timeline Control’. It has a massive range of configurable options available now from the new solution explorer. These are my top four highlights - Customising activity cards, Hiding the blobby things (aka ‘Persona with Initials’), cleaning up the timeline to speed up the load time and allowing/preventing creation from the timeline.

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